Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting Ready!

Well, the countdown is on; we leave in 43 days!  I am usually horrible at keeping up with a blog, journal ,etc. but I will do my best to keep this one up to date for our family and friends to know what we are doing while we are in Germany. 

We drove our car to St. Louis last weekend to start it's journey over, and as of Tuesday it was on the boat headed across the pond.  They trucked it from St. Louis to Georgia and loaded it on a ship from there.  The only minor issue we have had in this whole process was with the car.  We realized the morning we were driving to St. Louis that we did not have our registration yet (we just bought a new car this summer).  So, we went to the DMV when they opened and our VIN number wasn't even in the system yet.   We called Springfield and had to make a pit stop at the Secretary of State's office in Springfield on the way to St. Louis.  They were able to expedite the process for us and get us the paperwork we needed and everyone at the local DMV and the Secretary of State's office was very pleasant and helpful!  We made it to St. Louis in time and everything worked out just fine. :)

A local moving company is picking up our first shipment tomorrow morning.  This shipment will travel by air and will be in Germany when we get there, so we are shipping lots of fall/winter clothes and our bicycles.  The next thing to go will be everything we want to put in storage while we are gone and they are picking that stuff up next Friday (we have lots of work to do sorting all of that next week).  The final shipment will be everything else in our house (all of our furniture, clothes, pictures, everything!) and that will happen September 17th and 18th.  It is a pretty sweet deal, since the government is shipping everything for us and it is insured though them, we are not allowed to pack anything.  They have to pack all of our items so they are up to standard for insurance.  Awesome! We get to sit back and watch someone pack everything! (Which I'm sure will be very strange though....)

As of today, it looks like we have our temporary housing situation figured out.  We will stay in an apartment for the first month until we find a house to live in. 

Everything is coming together and we are really excited! Yay for a new adventure!!


  1. Wait, what car did you guys get? Also, since now it's Coops turn to move, tell him he can sell me back my skis. ;)

    1. Hmm...I'll see if he is willing to :) We may be doing some skiing in Europe ;)

  2. This is so exciting :) I am so happy to be able to keep up with you guys via this blog. And yes, it is VERY strange to watch people pack up your place and sit back and do nothing. I found myself making runs to get coffee, lunch, snacks for them- anything to feel useful :) Good luck with the rest of the move!

  3. What an interesting process! Fortunate that they drive on the right side of the road in Germany so you can use your own car!
