Saturday, March 22, 2014

Beautiful Fall Hiking

A couple weeks after our trip to Cologne for the Marathon, we decided to have a couple low key weekends.  Toni and Warren have kind of opened our eyes to wonders of hiking.  That works out well, because hiking trails and outdoor activities are everywhere in our part of Germany.  If the weather is nice, the Germans are out and about getting some exercise.   We spent one day down in Rinnthal, which is about an hour south of us towards the border with France.  This area is mostly forested and hilly.  The trees were in the middle of turning, so it was beautiful.  Here are some pictures from this trip.

Andrea was home for a wedding, but the following weekend, Toni, Warren and Chris and I thought we would head a different way out of Kaiserslautern and go towards the Wein Strasse (the wine producing region that is about 45 minutes south east of us).  During King Ludwig’s reign as the King of Bavaria, he had a villa in this region that he frequented when he wanted to get out of Munich.  This villa is a museum now.  You will see in the photos why he chose this place to build one of his many residences.   We wandered around the villa and the surrounding vineyards before heading up the hill.  We took a cable bahn up the hill where we ate some lunch and took in the amazing views.  After a bite to eat and a delicious beer, we took off on our hike down the hill and back to the car.  These pictures just confirm why fall is my favorite time of year!  Enjoy!

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